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Startup / Scaleup Valuation for Investors

  • 3 Days
  • 2 Steps


Knowing how to justify your company's valuation is mission critical for Investors. Failure to do so, is devastating, as the risk exists that investors will look to acquire shares / ownership in your company, that is to their advantage, not necessarily to yours. Nevertheless, there are at least 4 ways to value your company. Two of which, are only relevant if your company has had a "run rate" business for 4-5 years. The run rate business can then readily be used to create a "ProForma P&L" for 5 years out. This is a convincing basis for you to be able to negotiate and a realistic basis with Investors. The other two methods draw upon relevant market data, and data from competitors. L.W.S. Catalyst, will take you through all 4 Valuation Scenarios during this 3 Day on-line workshop. Deliverables: Concrete Financial Valuation of your company, in Spreadsheet and Power Point form. Attendees: CEO, CFO, SVP Sales, plus 3 additional employees of your choice.

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L.W.S. Catalyst

Munich Germany DE 80803

Munich Germany DE 80803

Tax ID (DE) 146/185/00595​​

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